
Vaibla Ringing Station has helped students, graduate students and researchers in their projects serving as a source of data for migration studies or birds for lab experiments. Following list includes some references where Vaibla Ringing Station is involved or mentioned.

Acroproject data

  • Leivits, A. & Vilbaste, H. 1990. Ülevaade roolindude rändeuurimisprogranuni «Acroproject» töötulemustest 1987. aasta sugelsel. Loodesevaatlusi 1988 I: 105-124.
  • Mäll, K. 1995. Roolindude (Acrocephalus) rändestrateegiatest Eestis. Diploma thesis, Univ. Tartu
  • Chernetsov, N. (1998). Habitat distribution during the post-breeding and post-fledging period in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus depends on food abundance. Ornis Svecica, 8(3), 77-82.
  • Chernetsov, N., & Manukyan, A. (1999). Feeding strategy of Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus on migration. Avian Ecology and Behaviour, 3, 59-68.

Studies of immunoecology (University of Tartu)

  • Saks, L., McGraw, K.J., & Hõrak, P. (2003). How feather colour reflects its carotenoid content. Functional Ecology, 17(4), 555-561.
  • Hõrak, P., Saks, L., Karu, U., Ots, I., Surai, P. F., & McGraw, K. J. (2004). How coccidian parasites affect health and appearance of greenfinches. Journal of Animal Ecology, 73(5), 935-947.
  • McGraw, K. J. (2004). Colorful songbirds metabolize carotenoids at the integument. Journal of Avian Biology, 35(6), 471-476.

Early outputs of ringing and morphometric data processing from 1989.

Green finches.


  • Volunteers in action - long-term effort of science popularization at Vaibla Ringing Station. Adojaan, A.V., Adojaan, K. Poster presentation, Bird Observatory Conference IBOC 2019, Eilat, Israel 2019.